We are Top #3 SaaS Product of the week

This has been an exciting week for all of us at LocalOps. Starting with our first public launch!

On Product Hunt:

We launched on Product Hunt 🚀 this week to invite larger community on the web to share feedback. And we got a ton of great comments from the community like these:

By the end of the day, we rose to Top 5 Product of the Day 🎉:

LocalOps - Simplest way to make Private SaaS deployments | Product Hunt

and eventually got upvoted to become Top #3 SaaS Product of the Week!!

LocalOps - Simplest way to make Private SaaS deployments | Product Hunt

Checkout https://www.producthunt.com/posts/localops incase you haven't seen it yet.

Although, the launch kept us on our toes, we shipped a few things on LocalOps.

Do you remember this incident?

Now, when you create a new App environment or make a new Deployment inside Localops, on a Friday local time, we will show this friendly warning to stop you from doing it 🤣.

Also, we are now fully integrated with Stripe to collect recurring payments from our customers.

Get started with LocalOps and make your Private SaaS deployments easy and fast. Sign up for free now at https://localops.co/.

If you need a personalised demo, schedule a time with us here.
