What's new on Aug 6?

We ship every Tuesday. Just so that you know, if you are reading this post for the first time. Checkout our past releases here 🚀.

At LocalOps, we are super serious about Data Privacy. We have made it our mission to build tools for the Internet 🌐 to support Private App deployments / Private SaaS deployments.

These days, we have begun reaching out to our signups to either check if they need assistance in their first steps with LocalOps or send out product updates from time to time. So, we are asking for user's explicit consent during our Signup process to reach out to them in these ways.

In addition, we fixed a bunch of stuff that kept annoying us more than ever. Starting with Email Notifications.

All App Environments (What is App Environment?) get a free ssl cert and a subdomain on *.localops.run domain by default. They become instantly accessible and publicly shareable on the internet once they are up. It takes roughly 18-20mins to provision an App Environment on the cloud, say AWS today. So we inform users via email after their environment is fully provisioned & ready to accept requests. Sometimes, this email went out before the App got fully deployed within the environment and this was quite misleading! We finally fixed this bug 🐛 this week.

Next up - we are planning to introduce support for AWS RDS, AWS Elastic Cache and other managed database services on AWS. Users could declare them as their dependencies and have them created in each App environment they create for their App. We already support Amazon S3 and we have laid foundations to support even more services in future. Not just in AWS but in Google Cloud and Azure as well.

But, a major blocker here was that we couldn't enable Multi-AZ (Availability Zone) fallback for a DB cluster, say in RDS, unless we had 3 AWS private subnets in 3 unique AZs available in each App environment. We improved our implementation to spin up 3 subnets instead of 2 subnets this week. LocalOps would connect to the target cloud account, query for available subnets and available AZs in that account, picks 3 AZs programmatically and spin up subnets in each of those AZs. 😎 Isn't this cool?

There is a bunch of other new things we are building to make Private SaaS deployments easy.

Get Started with LocalOps here by signing up for a free trial. And start deploying your app on any cloud for any customer within minutes. Every account gets 100 free hours on sandbox environment every single month.

Or schedule a demo if you want us to get you started.